Architecture Decisions And Guidelines

When an organization moves away from a centralized monolith to more decentralized and distributed architectures, such as microservices, the development culture, and therefore, the culture around the system’s architecture also changes. It too must become more distributed and less centralized. Development teams, because they are ideally autonomous in a microservices environment, require more freedom than … Read more

What Is An Architect?

What makes one a software architect? Is it just a title you get to apply to yourself after x amount of experience? Are there classes and certifications you need to have? Is it the group of developers that don’t (or can’t) develop any more? One possible definition of architect that I quite like is from … Read more

When To Rearchitect

Just like any other piece of a software system, a system’s architecture can accumulate dust, and turn into a form of technical debt. Sometimes this debt is non-prohibitive, or even useful, but if it is not considered and re-evaluated on a regular basis, it can jump up suddenly as a crushing debt, keeping you from … Read more

Cutting Corners

When is it acceptable to cut corners when moving from one architecture to another?  I’m talking about things like architectural requirements, such as a requirement that all services integrate with an APM monitoring tool.  When is it all right to cut corners when trying to get a service migrated from one architecture to another, and … Read more

Zooming In

It is extremely difficult to keep track of both the “big picture”, and the small details of things you are working on.  For things like personal organization, you can use tools such as Trello to help you keep track of your big-picture projects and the tasks for each of those projects at the same time.  In the … Read more

Tearing Down the Straw Man

I have been watching many salesmen lately, and I realize that all they do is construct a Straw Man argument for you as to why you should not buy their product, and then they tear down that Straw Man right in front of you, hoping you believe their argument and consequential dismantling of it.  The good salesmen … Read more