Casual Data Analytics

Are you a professional Data Analyst? Do you casually browse through data? Neither? There is a common ask of analysis tools and solutions that they be powerful enough to be useful, yet simple enough that novices can use. What does that really mean? How powerful do they need to be? How simple do they need … Read more

Meeting Hygiene

How many dirty meetings have you attended? Meetings that shouldn’t have been meetings at all? Meetings need to have a certain cleanliness, a certain level of hygiene and etiquette to them in order to be useful. Agenda Meetings need to have a clear agenda. What is the purpose of this meeting? Who is responsible for … Read more

Not Another Browser Tab

We assign tools a certain level of importance. Tools with high importance get their own dedicated space. Tools with low importance share space with other tools. For example, X-Ray and MRI machines are tools with very high importance, so they get their own space. We devote entire rooms to these tools. On the other hand, … Read more

Fluentd and Kubernetes – Permission Denied Error

When deploying the logging aggregation tool Fluentd to our Kubernetes cluster, Fluentd was failing to start up.  It was failing with a permission denied error when trying to create the directory /var/log/fluent. I had Fluentd configured to write its position files in the /var/log/fluent directory.  /var/log was mounted as a hostDir, from (predictably) /var/log on the host node, in order to … Read more

Fluentd – Splunk HttpEventCollector and Time

If you need to get log events from fluentd up to a Splunk HTTPEventCollector (HEC), I’ve found that you have two options,  splunk-http-eventcollector and splunkhec.  Both of these plugins have fallen out of use in the last couple of years.  When using either of these plugins, you lose the milliseconds in log event times.  So what? We … Read more

Development and Philosophy

I think it is a bit of a shame that software developers, and technical folks in general, do not study more philosophy. It turns out that many of these old stuffy guys have thought about many of the things that we actually run into on an ongoing basis. Even the vocabulary that the ancient philosophers … Read more

Architecture Decision Records

We all know that architects need to make decisions. These decisions have lasting impacts, and can be in various states, such as new, in force, obsolete, etc. How do you record these decisions, and keep those records up to date? I recently read through this blog post: which describes what looks to me to … Read more

Interruption Hack

If you work in any kind of traditional office space, you are likely plagued by drive-by interruptions. People will constantly stop by and talk to you. Some of these conversations are fruitful, some are useless, many could be a chat or email, and all of them cause you to lose focus on what you were … Read more