Stubs, Mocks, Fakes, Dummy

What is the difference between a Stub, a Fake, and a Dummy?  Well, as a refresher from Gerard Meszaros’s Test Double Patterns and Martin Fowler’s Mocks Aren’t Stubs: Mock – Sets expectations on how it is used by the sut Stub – Provides canned responses Fake – Has a real, but light-weight ‘shortcut’ implementation Spy – Records information about … Read more

Making fluentd, journald, Kubernetes, and Splunk Happy Together

The Requirements Our requirements are simple.  We run microservices in Docker, using Kubernetes as our deployment platform.  We want all of our logs in Splunk.  So the requirements are simply to take the logs from our microservice containers, and the logs from Kubernetes itself, and the logs from the host OS, and ship them to … Read more