Do you take the time to just think?
Fill the Time
We tend to try and fill up our time. We play the silly little games, or check social network posts, or watch cat videos. Few people even pick up a book and read any more. We are bombarded by constant entertainment and constant pulls for attention. Wo do not take the time to think.
Even with news media. Journalism seems to be shifting from a traditional form to a totalitarian form. Rather than presenting facts of what happened, or occasionally calling out something as an opinion, we are now just being told the viewpoint we should have. Instead of the Who, What, When, Where, we are given “This happened, and it makes you feel outraged”.
Free Time
It turns out, one of the most important thing a child’s healthy development needs is “unstructured play”. This is time where nothing is required from the child. He or she just plays. They come up with their own games. No parents watching their every move and swooping in to stop them from going down the slide. They do what they want, exploring the world and their own mind in their own way.
Why would this time just be important for children? I think adults also need this kind of time. Times where all the electronics are turned off. Even just a 5 minute car ride without the radio on. Engage your brain during this time, and just think. Dwell on some question. Actually give it some thought. Come to some of your own conclusions, rather than taking conclusions handed to you.