We constantly encounter obstacles on our journeys. They seem to just be a part of life. Problems are everywhere. They present us with choices. We can be stopped by them. We can overcome them.
Obstacle Ahead
If you know there is an obstacle ahead on a path, what do you do? Do you trudge down the path anyway? Do you avoid the path?
Once on a path, and you encounter an obstacle, what do you do? Turn around or push forward?
What techniques do you employ to overcome an obstacle? How many times do you try the same thing?
Insurmountable Obstacle
We would all like to say that we overcome the small obstacles. You easily pass over the bumps in the road. But what happens when we are faced with an obstacle that seems to be insurmountable? Revert to a backup plan? Adjust your habits or processes until the obstacle is no longer so large?
When do you ask somebody else to help? Is that a last resort, or the first go-to? Do you waste time before asking for help? Or are you doing your due diligence before pulling somebody else in?
So many questions! These are just some of the many questions that spring into my mind when I’m thinking about obstacles in my path. I hope they cause you to pause and reflect a bit on your own behaviors too.